11. Appendix: visualizing algebra - sample lesson plans
Teaching the “visualizing algebra” material can clearly be sliced up in many different ways. I have taught it several times, and I always followed a similar logistical format: class length of 1 hour and 15 minutes, and new material once/week, with catch-up sessions twice/week.
But the order in which I teach the various pieces, and the choice of which pieces to teach, depends largely on the makeup of the group of students I work with.
Similarly, the amount of extra background material and the choice of “visions into advanced material” anecdotes depend on the group of students I have.
In this appendix I will start collecting some of the specific lesson plan sequences I have chosen.
11.1. Fall 2024
We had a total of 10 lessons, from 2024-10-07 to 2024-12-16.
Opening lesson 1:
Introduce myself, discuss how researchers see mathematics
Discussion of logistics and what I expect of students
Section “The why of messy exponents”
Section “An example to whet your appetite”
Lesson 2:
Review from OpenSTAX book: “A nostalgic romp through coordinates and plotting” - do the exercises suggested in the section.
Review from OpenStax book: “What are functions?” - do the exercises suggested in the section.
Section “Special powers of binomials”
If we have time, start with sympy and introduce
expand((a + b) ^ 7)
and so forth.
Lesson 3:
Start with sympy, using the expressions in Section 4
Lesson 4:
Return to the “review of prerequisites” with the following sections:
Reviewing fractions - what, seriously??
Getting comfortable with visualizing functions
Quadratic equations
Some heavy emphasis on how functions are constraints
Remember to really lay it thick on how each equation reduces the dimensionality of the space.
Lesson 5:
We are now well beyond the review section, and we can spend a brief amount of time on:
Visualizing functions, using Section 5 – the purpose here is to get used to 2D and 3D plots in Desmos or whatever other online graphing calculator we use.
Then we spend most of our time on:
The pantheon of functions, using Section 6
Lesson 6:
We continue with The Pantheon of Functions, moving from polynomials to rational functions - using Section 6
Lesson 9:
Fitting functions through points - Section 10
First show how fitting works, with constant reminders of how we impose that a function with free parameters must pass through a collection of points, and how this gives us a system of equations that we can solve.
After working through this chapter we move to the book on programming mini courses and look at how fitting works for a collection of data points, and I discuss how overfitting can go wrong.
Lesson 10:
We discuss, with a lot of examples, how dimensional reduction works - Section 5