3. Simple backups
[status: barely started]
3.1. Motivation and plan
Backups are arguably the most important thing in running a system.
Sometimes your system will come with a backup mechanism, but it’s not clear that you will understand how it all works. This procedure has very good control over where your backups are placed.
3.2. Procedure
One line setup, one line backup – just one directory at this time.
## setup
IMPORTANT_DIR=$HOME/Documents ## or whatever you want to start with
mkdir ~/rdiff
## every time you want to back up (i.e. daily):
rdiff-backup -v 5 $IMPORTANT_DIR ~/rdiff/$IMPORTANT_DIR
To examine what you have:
## list what's available
rdiff-backup --list-increments ~/rdiff/$IMPORTANT_DIR
To show how you can accumulate more incrementals:
date --iso=seconds
date --iso=seconds >> ~/Documents/timestamps
rdiff-backup -v 5 $IMPORTANT_DIR ~/rdiff/$IMPORTANT_DIR
date --iso=seconds >> ~/Documents/timestamps
rdiff-backup -v 5 $IMPORTANT_DIR ~/rdiff/$IMPORTANT_DIR
date --iso=seconds >> ~/Documents/timestamps
rdiff-backup -v 5 $IMPORTANT_DIR ~/rdiff/$IMPORTANT_DIR
## this has created some more incremental backups; let's check them out:
rdiff-backup --list-increments ~/rdiff/$IMPORTANT_DIR
## You should see an output that looks like this:
Found 2 increments:
increments.2016-12-21T15:03:34-07:00.dir Wed Dec 21 15:03:34 2016
increments.2016-12-21T15:03:57-07:00.dir Wed Dec 21 15:03:57 2016
Current mirror: Wed Dec 21 15:04:08 2016
To sync this to an off-site location. NOTE: this is not yet the encrypted approach, so do not send private data with this method yet.
rsync -avz --delete ~/rdiff/ $YOUR_REMOTE_LOGIN@$YOUR_SERVER:rdiff