Date: 2017-07-21 Author: Mark Galassi
One of the problems with markdown/ReSTructuredText is that I have not found a tutorial that shows lightweight manner to starting using it on a single small markup file, getting a single output file.
Another confusing thing is that there are two sets of tools for processing the markup: the docutils and the sphinx tools. They both parse most of the same stuff, but with very different angles and purposes.
In this tutorial I will try to get you going and see if I can clarify it and show how to get started on lightweight examples, then moving on to a larger rest document.
(You might want to skip this section and jump to the sections where you start running some examples.)
I have mostly written my documents in LaTeX, plain text, TeXinfo and Docbook. Each of these has strengths and limitations. ReStructuredText (from here on reST) seems to occupy an important area that stands between the plain text and the richer markup in LaTeX, TeXinfo and Docbook.
In this post I will discuss the boundary between LaTeX and plain text.
LaTeX is the clear choice for writing mathematical and scientific documents, but it works poorly for computer documentation. This is because TeX and LaTeX are aimed at typsetting text, which often does not make for good "cut and paste" of the text into a command line or into a computer program.
For example, LaTeX has the lstlisting package which allows you to do very nice typsetting of program listings and command line examples, but it is hard to select text from the output PDF document and insert it into a program or the command line. You end up with spurious text and weird spaces.
You can use plain text for computer instructions, as is done in many simple README files, but as soon as the document gets bigger you will want to give it some structure.
Lightweight markup languages, such as markdown/reST (from here on I will just say reST since I use that), fill that space: they allow you to build a full book out of a document, but at the same time the HTML output is simple and close to plain text, so you can select sections and paste them into your command line or your programs.
reST is widely adopted, being the Python documentation project standard as well as the new choice for the GNU Scientific Library book. Its tools are powerful, if a bit "young". There are also some agile tools for markdown, and these tools will convert most of your reST document.
There is a good article comparing the two:
After reading that article you see that the clear choice is to use the full reST language, rather than markdown, if your document has ambitions of being a full book. Markdown seems to be easier for smaller documents. In any case it's nice to know that most of your reST document will be parsed nicely by a program that underestands markdown.
I will mention various packages for GNU/Linux systems that process documentation formats and convert from one to another. You might want to install them. These are
Let us create a simple file. Put the following marked up text into a file called rest-sample.rst
============================= A lightweight document title ============================= This is a very short document with *very* little markup in it.
Now let us convert rest-sample.rst to a few output formats.
rst2latex rest-sample.rst > rest-sample.tex
(you can then process rest-sample.tex with pdflatex, which might overwrite the rest-sample.pdf file which you created with rst2pdf!)
What we have just done is write a very simple markdown document and convert it to LaTeX, html, pdf and odt.
As I mentioned above, I am interested in moving away from LaTeX for those documents that do not involve serious use of mathematical typesetting.
To see an example of converting a LaTeX document to reST look at the following:
## download a sample LaTeX document and its figure form the web $ wget $ wget ## now typeset it with: $ pdflatex example1.tex ## and view it by opening example1.pdf in your favorite pdf ## viewer, for example: $ evince example1.pdf &
Now let us convert that document using pandoc:
$ pandoc -o example1.rst example1.tex
You now have a reST file called example1.rst
You could convert this new example1.rst file to HTML with:
$ rst2html example1.rst > example1.html
Now try looking at both example1.html (which comes through the path LaTeX ---pandoc---> reST ---docutils---> HTML) and example1.pdf (which comes from running pdflatex on the original document).
What you see is that it got much of the text, but:
The real problem is that some extensions to LaTeX are completely dropped. For example, LaTeX's lstlisting package is not supported and it drops all blocks of text which are in an lstlisting. This is a real problem.
We will now try to create a new reST project and set it up to be processed by sphinx, that very powerful tool that can make a whole web site out of your reST marked-up documents.
First install some of the sphinx tools with:
$ sudo apt-get install python-sphinx $ sudo apt-get install fonts-mathjax libjs-mathjax
Then make a new diretory to work in
$ mkdir my-sphinx-project
$ cd my-sphinx-project
Then create a project in there with sphinx-quickstart
$ sphinx-quickstart
You can answer most of these questions with the defaults, but you might change the following:
You now have a project! You will see that there is a file called index.rst which lets you include your own test. We will first build the project:
$ make html
Now load up the file _build/html/index.html in your web browser, and you can reload it whenever you make changes and type make
Now let us modify the index.rst file to include a file of our own:
Welcome to my-sphinx-project's documentation! ============================================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: my-project.rst Indices and tables ==================
and create a minimal file called my-project.rst
This is my project ================== This is my project
From here on you put your text in my-project.rst and you can do the usual cycle of running make and reloading the page in your web browser to see how things are going.